Următorul curs de calificare este programat pentru 24 Februarie 2025. Detalii Aici


What our customers are saying

I’ve started working on the Autocast E-learning platform in 2019 and I am still very excited about it. I love the way the lessons and the tests are structured, but particularly how you can pinpoint the components and the circuits. I haven’t seen this concept elsewhere, nor the intelligent way this platform is put together. it motivates me to learn daily and thrive.

Raul IlisiuAlba Iulia

The platform offers the best learnung methid I’ve seen. It provides more than just visual information. You can interact with animations, tune and modify parameters, and see results instantly. It enormously helps the understanding and logical learning process.

Stelian BompaAutoworld Cluj

Recomand atat cursurile online de baza, cat si pe cele avansate, tuturor care vor să învețe noțiuni fundamentale în domeniul electronicii si mecanicii auto. Cursurile sunt extrem de utile pentru pentru studenții de facultate, în special pentru cei care nu au o experiență mare în practică, datorita explicatiilor practice si simulatoarelor. Platforma permite observarea punctelor slabe.

Len ArnoldAutomotive Diagnostician – Harghita

On behalf of all of us here who use this platform, we can summarize our conclusion in 3 words: “efficient, easy to access, pleasant.”

Grecu GheorghePetru Maior Highschool – Reghin